Kurssilla kokeiltiin märkähuovutusta ja neulahuovutusta sekä vapaalankahuovutusta. Viimeksimainittu tekniikka jäi odottamaan pesukoneeseen pääsyä.
Lumotarhan raaka alpakkavilla oli kokeilussa. Villaa karstattiin ensin käsin ja totesimme alpakkavillan olevan haastava huovuttaa. Paras huovutustulos saadaan, kun sekoittaa joukkoon mukaan lampaanvillaa huovutettaessa tai jo karstausvaiheessa.
Here are some pics from a felting course I was teaching at this weekend. Students were felting with a needle and water. Half of the course price went to my Kapua account for education of Nepalese girls.
Those light brown wools are pure alpaca from Lumotarha.
Beautiful needle felted and stitched bracelet.
More to come from another student.
Free felting with yarn.
You need a lot of stuff!
Felting with water and soap.
Experiment with two felt layers and stitches.
Some felt pearls.
A purse for mobile phone.
Free felting with yarn and felting wool. This will be put into a washing machine.
Looks like a reindeer fur!
At the end one red heart: we all had lovely time together.
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